Wednesday 13 March 2013

Bedfordshire Council Green Belt Sham

Honest people do 3 things
Refuse to make misleading statements
Do not withhold important information
Communicate facts truthfully
The definition of Sham is to falsely present as the truth” i.e. fake, pretense, fraud
There is no better example of a SHAM than what Conservative politicians are doing to the green belt through their local Councillors.
England’s green belt covers over 6,000 square miles of countryside, which is wrapped around towns and cities to prevent urban sprawl.
On October 12th last year Communities Secretary Eric Pickles pledged
“The green belt will be protected, and the Conservatives will do all they can to preserve the character of the countryside”,Mr Pickles made clear that ministers will not allow weakening in green belt protections.
 Protecting the character of the countryside is stamped deep into the heart of Conservatism."
“And let me tell you – the green belt plays a vital role in stopping urban sprawl and we will protect it.”
Based on the actions of Conservative councillars that control local government this was a lie.
There are examples occurring all over the country where unscrupulous Conservative local councillars are betraying the communities that they are meant to protect.
A good example is what  Central Bedfordshire Local Councillors are doing to the residents of Barton Le Clay by changing their green belt area to accommodate a Gypsy sites.
The 5000 residents of Barton Le Clay want to ask Nigel Young Conservative Councillor from Dunstable and the other 20 Conservative Councillors responsible altering their green belt.  Why?
Does the fact that you all live an average of 12 miles from Barton have anything to do with  your decision?
Each of you would have to drive on average over 25 minutes, with many of living up to 18 miles from Barton, so it doesn’t personally affect.

95% of the sites selected were not areas even close to where you all live.

Facts of Life Delivered to Barton Le Clay Residents by Nadine Dorries MP

Over 300 concerned residents gathered in St Nicholas Church hall on March 7th to discuss Central Bedfordshire Councils decision to redraw the boundaries of Green Belt surrounding the village.

MP Nadine Dorries tells Barton Le Clay residents the facts of life about how this Conservative governments faulty thinking and policies are pitting one local community against another.
 Nadine unfortunately,she was unable to stay for the entire meeting  because if she did she would have learned how local Conservative Councillors led by Nigel Young have let the people in central Bedfordshire, the Conservative party and themselves down.

Attend the next meeting of the Barton Residence Action Group to save our Green Belt on April 15th at the Barton Rovers 8:00 PM  For more information click here.

1 comment:

  1. It is more than a green belt sham

    Hi James,

    The greenbelt around our village is important and the implementation of the traveller site in our community is a complete scam if it goes through. However do I feel it is more about greenbelt and would like to add my views on this emotive issue, I have written the following email and posted it to all the councillors at Mid Beds County Council.

    Dear Councillor,
    My apologies for this intrusion but as you may be aware the Residents in Barton are not happy with the thought of the proposal of the Traveller site let alone it's implementation.

    Prior to the meeting on Monday I would like to say the following about the proposed Traveller site at Barton:
    No Traveller sites have been chosen in Tory Wards apart from two and one already exists just outside the Barton boundary.
    It would appear that some of the Tory councillors are in collusion with this shameful deceit for targeting the independent ward of Barton in order to keep their own voters happy.
    Barton already services the nearby Pulloxhill Travellers site:

    1/ The gypsy site is about half a mile nearer to Barton than Pulloxhill village and the site can be seen by many of our residents.

    2/ The Travellers have the use of Barton's Bank, Post Office, Doctors surgery, two Dentists, opticians, restaurants, take-away's, public houses and the many shops in Barton that are not available in Pulloxhill.

    3/ The Traveller's children attend Arnold School in Barton.

    4/ As for income, Barton is a very large village and the Travellers from the Pulloxhill site are seen regularly going about their trades.

    In Addition to this:

    5/ Containment: The "chosen" site in Barton is in a very large acreage of land and there is no guarantee of containment to the maximum of 10 pitches, re as per Dale Farm.

    6/ Barton Greenbelt should stay Barton greenbelt.

    7/ The "chosen" site in Barton is too close to a home and the owners were never consulted prior to the steamrollered judgement.

    8/ The 70 mile an hour Barton bypass dual carriageway is busy and dangerous to pedestrians.

    9/ There would be a detrimental effect for businesses on the Barton industrial estate and also the businesses at the Historic Barton Mill. Just a 5% drop in trade would be enough to close a business down.

    10/ I'm sure you could think of another reason why we at Barton should not have another Traveller's site on our doorstep.

    I would be pleased if you could consider these reasons for not passing the proposed Traveller site at Barton. If this planning issue is not part of your remit could you please pass it to the Chair who is dealing with the matter.

    Many thanks and kind regards,

    Rob Hill.
